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The School Day

Morning Drop-in!

We open our doors at 8:45am each morning and the first school session begins at 9:00am.


Parents and carers of children in Reception are warmly welcomed to enter the building with their child between 8:45-8:55am.  Children in other year groups will enter their classrooms independently.  During this time, the teachers and teaching assistants will provide fun activities for the children, including our daily sentence challenge.  


Parents & carers, if they wish, can use this time to discuss aspects of their child's happiness, progress and well-being with the class teacher.


School Day


Our school day starts at 9:00am and ends at 3:30pm.  The total time this amounts to in a week is 32.5 hours.

An example of session times are as follows:


Assembly:9:00am - 9:25am
Morning session:9:25am - 12:00pm (children access outdoor throughout the morning)
Lunch:11:50 - 1:00pm
Afternoon session: 1:00pm - 3:20pm
Afternoon break:2:20pm - 2:30pm
Years One to SixExample
Assembly:9:00am - 9:25am
Morning session 1:9:25am - 10:20am
Morning break:10:20am - 10:30am Y1 & 2 (Active Break)  10:30am  - 10:40am  Y3/4 & Y5
Morning session 2:10:30am - 12:00pm
Lunch:12:10pm - 1:10pm  Y1 & 2            12:20pm - 1:20pm Y3/4 & Y5
Afternoon session:1:10pm/1:20pm - 3:30pm
Afternoon break:2:20pm - 2:30pm


School Office Opening Hours


The school office is open from 8:30am to 4:30pm; voicemails can be left on the school telephone outside of these hours.  Parents are encouraged to use Tapestry for non-urgent enquiries and queries. 

We hope that you enjoy browsing our website. Thank you for visiting!