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Wigan Dance Festival 2024

Wowza! Our St. John's Dance Squad totally rocked the stage tonight!

I was completely blown away not just by how incredible their dance was, but also by the fact that they were able to perform on such a huge stage! It took some serious effort, and they totally nailed it! What an amazing accomplishment!

A huge thank you to all the fantastic parents who made the journey over to Wigan this evening and provided the awesome pink clothing.

And a special shout-out to Miss Frain! She has worked incredibly hard over the past few weeks, making sure the group had loads of fun and that they absolutely owned the stage tonight.

Let's also give a big thanks to one of our incredible parents, who went above and beyond by making pink hair bows for everyone.

Our dance squad truly exceeded all expectations and made all of us incredibly proud! Keep up the amazing work!

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