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Internet Safety Advice for Parents

Welcome to our staying safe page for parents and carers. Here you can find useful information on how to keep your children safe on and off line. Below, you will find lots of useful magazines and leaflets to read through. These are written for you as parents to help highlight the importance of keeping your children safe online and when using computing devices. 


If you would like further information, please see Miss Cunniffe in school, or click one of the links below to be directed to websites which contain the up to date advice.




For additional information to what is included on our Parent Information Page below, click on the link above which will take you to a site full of useful information and tips to help you keep your child safe online.

At St John's we are committed to ensure that your children are safe on the internet and when using computing devices.


To see how we explicitly teach the children how to stay safe when using computing devices and the internet, please click the link below and you will be directed to our children's page.

Children access the internet and use computing devices everyday, whether they are in school, at home, or with their friends. It is our responsibility as their grown ups, to ensure that they know how to use them safely and what to do if they ever have a problem whilst using them.



Parent Information Guides
In addition, we have prepared a selection of parent guides to help you set your home parental controls, as well as help your child to surf the internet safely.

Useful Websites for Parents:


Website for Parental Control advice:
We hope that you enjoy browsing our website. Thank you for visiting!