Our School Charter
In addition to our excellent school curriculum, we promise during your child’s time at St John’s they will:
1. Have many opportunities to appreciate the beautiful world around us by:
- Feeling sand between their toes and building a sand castle
- Paddling in the sea
- Conker picking in the woods
- Splashing in puddles
- Digging in mud
- Hunting for bugs
- Skimming a stone
- Playing in the rain
- Playing in the snow
- Using a map
2. Have opportunities to appreciate food by:
- Growing and eating their own food
- Cooking food for you to eat
3. Have opportunities to appreciate life by:
- Watching life develop
- Caring for an animal
- Tending to a plant
4. Have many opportunities to develop a love for music by:
- Listening to an orchestra
- Experiencing live music on stage
- Playing a musical instrument
- Watching a show
5. Have many opportunities to broaden horizons and have high life aspirations by:
- Enjoying a school residential for more than 1 night
- Visiting another school and a university
- Visiting businesses
- Meeting successful people
- Visiting a significant city
- Experiencing trips every term
- Enjoying many interesting visitors to school
- Meeting a famous person who has achieved great things
- Speaking another language
6. Have many opportunities to be creative and develop a love of art by:
- Visiting a gallery
- Being creative with ‘real’ Artists
- Visiting a special exhibition
- Developing a gallery for others to enjoy
7. Have many opportunities to be curious about what has shaped our country and how we can shape the future by:
- Experiencing local history
- Experiencing British history
- Reducing, recycling and reusing
- Understanding different faiths and visiting other places of worship
- Learning basic first aid
- Learning how to create a positive digital footprint
8. Have many opportunities to become money smart and charitable by:
- Experiencing enterprise and managing money through making and selling
- Having fun raising money for school
- Understanding the work of charities and raising money for them
9. Have many opportunities to be physical and develop a love of participating in and watching sport by:
- Learning to swim
- watching a live professional sports event/match
- Participating in competitions
- Experiencing a wide variety of sporting after school clubs
- Meet a professional sports person