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Religious Education

The following core concepts are explored in the Understanding Christianity approach, as part of the ‘big story’ of salvation, as understood within Christianity.



Some examples of pupils' work in R.E.

We enrich our R.E. curriculum with visits, visitors and enrichment days focusing on various aspects, including exploring other influential world faiths.

Here are some photographs from our annual Belief Boulevard enrichment day:

Our approach to teaching R.E. and the associated resources we use make a positive contribution to wider school priorities, including:

  • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
  • Promoting British Values and handling diversity, specifically through developing pupils’ skills in interpreting texts and handling controversy
  • Developing values, character and virtues.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development in our church school is distinctive because these four aspects of the school curriculum are inextricably rooted in the reality of God the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The R.E. curriculum at St. John's is the place where excellent and distinctive SMSC is seen most clearly.


Take a peek at this inspirational movie, created by two Y5 pupils inspired by the book 'Only One You'



Our SMSC Calendar of Events for 2018 - 2019

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