We seek to encourage pupils in the planning, resourcing and evaluation of worship, and we do this effectively through our JAM Squad. Members of JAM are assigned specific roles and responsibilities; they contribute to different committees during the course of the year. For example, some pupils are responsible for creating a beautiful focal point at the front of the hall; others are responsible for writing prayers that match the theme of our worship. Some pupils use video to evaluate acts of worship; others create a weekly sign to communicate the week's theme. Through weekly meetings with the worship leader, members of JAM are able to act as spokespeople regarding worship and are part of the evaluation process. We do this formally after each act of worship and record it electronically as well as informally. JAM Squad regularly seek the views of their classmates and report these findings to the worship leader.
Global Leaders
Global education and global citizenship is our school approach to action taking, challenging injustice and becoming change makers from the local level to the global. Our JAM Squad take an active role in this aspect of the school's work. Their work includes choosing and raising money for charities and exploring current affairs. For example, in the past, our JAM Squad have initiated the Homeless Support Project with their own idea of the 'shoebox' appeal. In addition, they have implemented 'The Lent Challenge' in collaboration with St. Mary's church.
God’s Big Plan - the mechanism for reflecting on the big stories and concepts within the Bible - is central to daily acts of worship.