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St John's Community Wellness

Specialist Practitioner School Nurse


Please find contact details for our Specialist Practitioner School Nurse & School Health;


Tina Corday

Specialist Practitioner School Nurse

School Health

Tel: 01942 483558




At St. John's we work hard to support the well-being of our most vulnerable parents.  This involves working with parents who benefit from having extra support when dealing with parenting issues such as; anxiety, sensitivity, anger, behavioural issues (both diagnosed and undiagnosed). The Parent-Child Connection can be accessed whilst parents are waiting for other agency involvement such as CAMHS.


Our highly skilled Pastoral Manager, Lesley Hughes, has been trained by the lead professionals at Altogether Kids CIC to deliver highly effective support, which is fully embedded with holistic tools such as EFT, meditation, mindfulness and mindfulness based re-patterning.

The sessions that we run in school give parents much needed “time” alongside professional support, allowing them to re-visit their thoughts, feelings, emotions and any physical issues they may be facing. This time allows them to open and breathe, giving way to realisations about their own parenting behaviours.


Parents leave with proven strategies to deal with daily events (here and now) using a positive mindset.


We are very proud of the work we do with our families, which in turn has a positive impact on our children in school.


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