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School council

What the School Council looks like at St John’s


At Leigh St John’s C.E Primary School the main aim of our school council is to give every child a voice. We believe that all voices should be heard, and our school council members will represent the voice of their classroom peers. The student council is a group of children who have been selected to represent their classes through a democratic vote. Our children thrive on the trust placed in them and take the responsibility of being a council member responsibly. The student council representatives will promote the ideas of their peers in ways in which school life might be improved and they will advocate suggestions to the school leadership team. They will also play an important role in establishing links with the local community and ways in which we can support wider issues such as charity events.


Our Aims and Purposes

At St John’s, our aim of the student council is:

  1. To encourage children to get involved in issues that concern them, in and around school.
  2. To make sure that our school is a safe and happy place to be.
  3. To encourage all children to have the opportunity to voice their concerns or suggest improvements.
  4. To make sure that any concerns are listened to and acted upon.
  5. To make sure that children have a place to voice their opinions and concerns.
  6. To establish links with the local community.
  7. To support current charity events by organising fundraising activities.
  8. To plan special events or projects in school.


What are the responsibilities of a school councillor?

  1. To represent their class in school council meetings.
  2. To feedback any comments, questions or information from their class to the council during their meetings.
  3. To be a good role model throughout school.
  4. To contribute ideas to school council meetings and to listen to other members ideas respectfully.


What does the school council do?

Once elected, the representatives attend regular meetings during lunchtimes or after school to set an agenda of ideas or concerns that they would like to discuss. The ideas for discussion may come from the feedback given to each class representative or there may be a set agenda to discuss upcoming school events. The meetings are supported by members of staff, but the school council are responsible for reporting back to their classes.


What did the school council achieve last year?

  1. We have sold poppies for Remembrance Sunday.
  2. We have designed posters to sell toys to raise money for Wigan and Leigh Hospice. We sold the toys throughout school and raised £281.20
  3. We wrote letters to the local community to invite them into school to watch our Christmas productions.


Watch this space for more exciting developments!



Useful Websites

CBBC Newsround provide information about school council’s and their work

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