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  • Eureka!

    Wed 20 Mar 2019

     Today our Year one children went on an exciting trip to Eureka! We've had a play in the sand, compared ourselves to some of the tallest animals in the world, learned what algorithms are, how to code, programmed robots, looked at the different parts of the human body, found a wobbly giant tooth, had a play with torches and colourful lights in the dark, been to the Halifax bank and M&S shop (role play), spoken to the big robot zoom who answered all the children's interesting questions and much more!

    The children had fun getting to grips with computer programming in the interactive coding workshop. They used the child-friendly Raspberry Pi computers and Mirobots. They learned basic coding language, the concept of algorithms and gave instructions to computers by creating simple programs to control the robots. What a super day we've had! I hope the children have had a great day and have told you all about it.

  • Machester Art Gallery Visit

    Fri 15 Mar 2019
    We’ve had an amazing day today! The children were eager to see the range of art work within the exhibition and were lucky enough to see Leonardo Da Vinci and LS Lowry’s Work.

    They all chose pieces which they particularly liked and drew them in their sketchbooks. They got the chance to really study the picture before making their sketches. Having the physical pictures allowed the children to produce superb work. Members of the public were amazed by their sketches and the way they behaved within the gallery!

    Well done Year 5! X

  • Strictly Come Reading - World Book Day Performances

    Thu 07 Mar 2019

    The very talented children of St Johns took part in our Strictly Come Reading Performances! Joined by our parents and judges, each year group performed their amazing dance performances created with the help of a dance teacher, Miss Miriam. Their performances were based on chosen books for each class that ranged from Supertato by Sue Hendra (Reception Class), No-Bot by Sue Hendra (Year1), The Building Boy by Ross Montgomery & David Litchfield (Year 2), Wolves in the walls by Neil Gaiman (VP year 3/4), Beauty and the Beast (JG/LC year 3/4), Mirror by Jeannie Baker (KR year 3/4) Katie in London by James Mayhew (IL year 5) and Tin Forest by Helen Ward & Wayne Anderson (LC year 5).

    All of the children did an absolutely fantastic job of performing for their parents, and in the style of strictly come dancing were given scores of 10 across the board! Well done everyone!

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