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πŸ›πŸœ Lilford Park Y2 Trip πŸœπŸ›

Wow what a fantastic afternoon we have had!🌳 

Year 2 had a brilliant time walking around Lilford Park finding a range of habitats and micro-habitats. We enjoyed exploring these habitats and finding the different animals that lived there. 

πŸ“ΈWe used the Ipads to take pictures of the habitats and the creatures that we found. 

πŸ” We used the magnifying glasses and the investigation tubs to look at the animals and mini-beasts closely. 

✏️We used our scientific knowledge to write about why these animals lived in these habitats. 

We found squirrels, birds, woodlouse, centipedes, bees, millipedes, worms, spiders and ants. 🐜 

Year 2 walked beautifully to the park and their behaviour was exceptional whilst we were there. What superstars you all are!✨✨

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