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  • House team Day

    Fri 30 Nov 2018

    This morning we made beautiful stained ‘paper’ windows with a Christmassy theme! The children drew their own silhouettes of a candle, star or the Bethlehem Nativity scene. They then used different coloured tissue paper to create a lovely background.

    This afternoon, they made their own Christmas tree decoration which they will put on the tree thing our Elf-zheimer’s coffee morning. Reception and KS1 made beautiful angels and KS2 used quilling to create paper snowflakes to name but a few designs!

    We had lots of fun, dancing and singing along to Christmas songs whilst being creative! Well done House Teams!

  • Great Fire Of London re-enactment

    Wed 28 Nov 2018

    What an absolutely fantastic morning we've had! All the children's Tudor Houses were set on fire just like the real Great Fire of London! The children listened to the fire fighters carefully and then watched in awe as they set their houses on fire. They were amazingly sensible throughout the fire and enjoyed every minute (as you can see from the pictures).

    The winners of the competition will be announced tomorrow!

    May I take this time to say a HUGE thank you to families for getting stuck in and making these amazing houses! They blew all the staff at St John's away! Thank you for your continued support.

  • God's Day

    Tue 27 Nov 2018

    This was a wonderful day to help the children to explore Christianity and what God's plan is for us. We looked at 'The big frieze' which is important in helping pupils to understand the big story (God’s salvation plan) and the big ideas in Christianity (the concepts). The big frieze has areas to explore that help to explain God's Plan.

    People of God 
    Kingdom of God

    The children created their own pictures to represent each of the parts of God's Plan.


  • African Music

    Thu 22 Nov 2018

    An African band came into our school to preform for us. They were amazing!

    The children loved learning all the new songs and moves!

    After the performance, Y1 and Y2 were lucky enough to be involved in a workshop with the band. The children had the opportunity to play the instruments and join in with the band.

  • Spaceport

    Sun 18 Nov 2018

    On Friday we visited Spaceport as the opening hook to our Earthlings topic. The children were taken to outer space in a space shuttle and onto the space station. They were able to practise moving robots in animated games as well as reading lots of information about our solar system. The children completed quizzes and learnt through interactive games. They were able to move models around to understand how day and night work and how the earth spins on its own axis whilst rotating around the sun.

    We also enjoyed exploring Liverpool on the Mersey Ferry! 🌟

  • Children in Need Spotacular!

    Fri 16 Nov 2018

    On Thursday we were delighted to greet BBC radio Manchester into school today with a very special LSJ ‘styleeeeee’ welcome.

    We had a fabulous afternoon of dance and laughter raising money for Children in Need. A big thanks to the Y5 boys who have been great choreographers teaching the rest of school how to groove jam, hype and floss as well as a few other adventurous moves. The team from ‘Pound the Street for Pudsey’ said it was an unbelievable welcome.

    Robson, Carla and Isabel were interviewed live on radio and did a truly superb job! If you would like to listen to the interview, it is currently on the BBC radio Manchester website on the Phil Trew show at 16:50 minutes into the show.

    On Friday the children continued the spotty theme by coming to school in something spotty. They also help raise money with a toy sale. All proceeds were donated to Children in Need with a fantastic £398.72 raised.



    Thank you boys and girls, your teachers beamed with pride again today 😘😘😘

  • No Mans Land Art Exhibition

    Thu 15 Nov 2018

    Today we visited the ‘No Man’s Land’ art exhibition at the Turnpike. We discussed what no mans land was and how it was also an interesting title as the art work was all about or by women (not men).

    The children were shown a range of photographs from the War and discussed how it made them feel and what they could see.

    They were also split into groups and they needed to use the information provided and the art work to learn as much as they could about their chosen artist. The children then presented their findings to the rest of the group.

    They then looked at some photographs of women in war and imagined what their ‘story’ would be. They told the story and it was great to see what information they had figured out simply by looking at the art work.

    The exhibition is free and is in the Turnpike until the new year so there’s plenty time for you to go and visit!

    Well done Y5 🌟

  • Quarry Bank Mill Visit

    Fri 09 Nov 2018
    Well we stepped back in time today to the Victorian era and tried our hand at some of the jobs which would have been carried out by the apprentices in the mill. We discovered it was noisy, dirty and very dangerous work (you might lose a finger or even be crushed to death). Many of the workers would only live up to the age of 35 and would suffer with lots of health complications.

    We also visited the apprentice house and learnt about their daily routine, diet and medicines. We found out about an apprentice called Thomas, who tried to run away. We loved all of the facts brought to life through stories, hands on activities and particularly dressing up! We listened beautifully to the leaders and were fantastically behaved. Many of the leaders commented on how the children were a real credit to the teachers and our school and we were very proud. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • WWI Exhibit at St Mary's Church

    Wed 07 Nov 2018
    Year 5 attended the WWI exhibit at St Mary's Church today. Our children had the opportunity view the exhibit before it opens to the general public. They were able to view a replica of 'The unknown Warrior' tomb from Westminster Abbey in London as well as learning about how our local areas lived through the war. They saw various displays throughout the church and learned lots of facts along the way. The Displays and information were fantastic to see and our children came away buzzing with new knowledge and a newfound respect for the trials that our soldiers had to endure. Well done Year 5!
  • Y5 visits to Atherton and Leigh Cenotaph

    Tue 06 Nov 2018
    The children in year 5 went to visit the local Cenotaphs at both Atherton and Leigh this week. They laid specially made wreaths at both cenotaphs and recited  excerpts of 'In Flanders Field' by John McCrea. The children observed the names of the local soldiers lost in WWI and from other wars thereafter. they showed great respect while in the gardens and did us proud. Well done Y5!
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